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Why Nauman Ejaz Want to Ban Dramas in Pakistan?

Nauman Ijaz

Leading TV superstar Nauman Ejaz criticized the Pakistani Drama industry, asserting that dramas aired in Pakistani media today undermine relationships’ sanctity.

In his recent interview on the TV show Meer Means Business, Nauman Ejaz candidly discussed the current state of Pakistani television shows. Ejaz called attention to the negativity surrounding how relationships are portrayed and emphasized that content creators should be accountable for these actions. ‘Dramas often tarnish the image of relationships,” he claimed, showing concern over the lack of opposition from the general public on this derogatory material.

The TV show Meer Means Business is the World’s first business and entertainment show, hosted by Shakeel Ahmed Meer. This show is all about drama, humor, and suspense and explores Different aspects of ambition, competition, and ethical issues faced by modern Professionals.

In the conversation with the Host Shakeel Ahmed Meer, Veteran actor Nauman argues that drama producers depict every relationship negatively. He remarked, “Today, every relationship—sister, mother, father, brother, daughter—is portrayed as evil.” He further stated, “These portrayals inevitably seep into our society; consciously or unconsciously, we are influenced by such dramas, which undoubtedly shape us as a society.”

Check out what other celebrities have to say about this!

He cited ARY’s ‘Nand’ as an example and noted, “Recently, the drama ‘Nand’ gained immense popularity for portraying the sister-in-law as villainous.” Discussing the content of dramas, Nauman Ejaz stated that if allowed to lead the Censor Board, he would advocate for the ban of all dramas. He expressed concern that Pakistani dramas are detrimental to relationships, tarnishing their portrayal and overall quality.

About Nauma Ejaz

Nauman Ejaz

It should be noted that Nauman Ejaz is one of the best actors produced in Pakistan’s entertainment history. He has been seen in TV dramas with excellent content quality and meaningful storylines. His dramas Rangreza, Khan, Sang-e-Mah, and Mayi Rayi are some of the masterpieces he has worked on over the years. Parizad is one of his most renowned dramas, which has recently aired and is loved by audiences due to its strong and lessonful content.

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During his interview, he expressed, “I gravitate towards dramas with moral lessons. Additionally, I have a personal filter; I refrain from delivering certain types of dialogue.”

Expressing both disappointment and frustration, Nauman condemned the insufficient grasp of national television’s responsibilities and mourned the decline of cultural values. He called for a unified endeavor to address the prevalent negativity, especially for the benefit of the youth and future generations.

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Concluding with a sincere appeal, Nauman Ejaz stressed that his criticism was motivated by a genuine desire to see an overall improvement. He urged for a change in attitudes and behaviors, especially among the youth, to recognize and counteract the harmful impact of negative media representation.

What Do You Think? Should Plays Be Banned In Pakistan?

Comment below and let us know your views on Actor Nauman Eja’z views. Do you resonate with the statement or does it sound just another “hot take” that will die down in a few days!

Dr. Aliza Shaikh is a Consultant Anesthesiologist by profession. And loves to write. She used to write speeches, citations, emails, and presentations for herself and her seniors before stepping into the world of content writing. Her passion is writing, driving, music, anesthesia, and spending time with friends and family.

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