Entertainment - What’s the Buzz

Saba Qamar and Nauman Ijaaz’s “Mrs & Mr Shameem” is Finally on Youtube

Mrs & Mr Shameem

Fans are bursting with excitement after hearing the news that Mrs & Mr Shameem, which is a web series made for Zee5, will be released on Youtube (watch the teaser here). And can we blame them? The fans are eager to see the powerhouse of acting, Saba Qamar and Naumaan Ijaz, on the screens. This web series promises to captivate audiences with its intriguing storyline and undeniable chemistry between the lead characters. So the excitement is understandable, what do you think? 

The Storyline

“Mrs & Mr Shameem” tells us the story of a married couple and the turns and twists they find in their relationship. This revolutionary drama, set to premiere on Friday, April 26th, promises to question conventional standards and reimagine the meaning of love and masculinity. The drama delves into the complications of marriage, family dynamics, and cultural expectations, all while encapsulating drama, humor, and emotion.

Hold on! Let me disclose another exciting news for you, the web series will have no damsel in distress heroine. The industry is surely moving towards more progressive plots that keep you glued to the seats for long hours. The audience can expect an intriguing plot combined with explosive acting from the leads. What do you think of the storyline? It is definitely bringing something new to the table.

Mrs & Mr Shameem

Chemistry Between Saba Qamar and Naumaan Ijaaz

Apart from the storyline, the web series brings a highly anticipated on screen couple to grace our screens. There is no doubt that both actors have mastered their crafts and are the biggest names of the Pakistani industry. The range of emotions they portray to the impeccable acting, one can never go wrong with these actors. Their previous collaborations have been met with critical acclaim, and fans are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to see them share the screen once again. From the acting, to the unparalleled chemistry, and different storyline, everything seems to be going in the right direction. 

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The Release And The Public’s Response 

Following the success of Abdullahpur Ka Devdas, Mrs. & Mr. Shameem is Zee5’s second original series to grace the YouTube channel. It had not before been released in Pakistan because it was created exclusively for the Zee channel. But now the Pakistani audience can also watch the web series and enjoy their favorite acting. The public has a very mixed response. 

While some are excited to see something different on the screens, some believe that the actors are not suitable for the drama. Some people have gone as far as to say that the dynamic duo shouldn’t be paired together. Well, many mouths, many opinions. But nonetheless, the response of the general public is overwhelming and fans are buzzed to discover more about the story. 

Mrs & Mr Shameem

Are You Ready To Watch The Intriguing Dynamics Mrs & Mr Shameem Brings To The Screen? 

With its long-awaited premiere, “Mrs & Mr Shameem” is expected to be a noteworthy inclusion in Pakistan’s entertainment landscape. With a gripping storyline, great performances, and unmistakable chemistry between its lead actors, the drama is set to capture fans and make a lasting impact. Are you excited to watch the first episode on 26 April? Let us know what your expectations are. 

Another twenty years old sips tea, pretending to listen to the realities while she wanders through the castle and towns residing in her head. If Tooba is not writing, she loves to hike and explore the mysteries of nature.

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