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TedTalk x Pakistani Women; 7 Talks That Will Change You

TedTalk x Pakistani Women

We all love listening to motivational and optimistic TedTalks. You must have listened to one of those TedTalks where a foreigner is telling us about his life experiences and sharing some great life lessons. 

Learning from these experiences can help, but don’t you think those TedTalks sometimes don’t feel relatable to our situations considering the cultural gap? The speakers always start by telling their life stories. Sometimes we might not resonate with the story the way we can resonate with the lives of the people around us. 

So, how about we learn a few things from our own people? There is a high probability you might not have heard of this before, but Pakistani women also deliver Ted Talks. Though Pakistan hasn’t normalized the concept of TedTalks as much as it is in foreign countries, I still found some amazing TedTalks delivered by Pakistani women. 

So, grab a cup of coffee; I am going to introduce you to the best version of TedTalk x Pakistan. Get ready to see some empowered Pakistani women. 

Sidra Iqbal – How to Build a New Tomorrow for Yourself



We see a lot of successful people, but little do we know how they have achieved that milestone. In this inspirational ted talk, Sidra Iqbal tells her success story. She belonged to an upper-middle-class all-girls household. Though her journey seemed smooth, there were a lot of hurdles that she successfully overcame. 

She talks about the go-get-it culture that has led to the irresponsible glorification of imbalanced work-life and how the sacrifice of personal choices is thought to be the most glorious of choices. Sidra Iqbal gets our attention to one of the most ignored dilemmas of our society, where passion has got a back seat and actions are fueled by the hustle culture. 

She says, 

“Success doesn’t create happiness, but happiness does have a chance of creating success.” 

The way we fail tells us a lot about ourselves, what we did wrong, where we lack, what we need to do better, etc. 

She explains how we should not perceive failure as the opposite of success; it is part of the journey. The last and most interesting part of her talk was when she related life’s setbacks to solar eclipses. Her life experiences, along with her articulate speech, are what make this talk so inspiring.

If you are passing through a rough life phase and are unsure how to deal with the setbacks, Sidra Iqbal is here to help you learn some much-needed life lessons. 

Zara Noor Abbas – Power of a Single Decision 

You must have seen the thumbnail of this famous TedTalk once in your life. Zara Noor Abbas, one of the most talented actresses in the Pakistani industry, talks about how she started her acting career.

She talks about the power of a single decision. How an impulsive and imprudent decision changed her life forever is food for our thoughts. She fell prey to escapism which led her to make the wrong choice. Furthermore, Zara talks about the role of meditation and how it helped her in her difficult moments. 

This talk can make you realize how important it is to find yourself. 

Dr. Arfa Zehra – Urdu; Mera Payaam-e-Muhabbat

TedTalk x Pakistani Women

We often talk about how we are losing our culture day by day, and it is high time we do something to keep it alive. Dr. Arfa Zehra talks about our culture’s most crucial part: our language. She explains how we have lost ourselves on the way to losing Urdu.

She talks about how we misinterpret Urdu and its history,  how we crippled our native language and answers some of the most common objections to Urdu.

She also gives us a ride down memory lane. She explains the important historical events that led to the shaping of this language, how different regions embraced Urdu and many more.

If you are in the mood to listen to something historical or cultural, this is for you. Also, the calm demeanor Dr.Arfa has is incredible.

Sassi Malik Sher – Work-Life Balance

TedTalk x Pakistani Women

Sassi Malik Sher, one of the five sisters whose CSS stories made it to the headlines, tells us about one of the most important yet most ignored aspects of our life. The WORK-LIFE BALANCE. 

She talks about how important it is for our generation to understand and maintain this balance. Though there is no such thing as perfect balance, a little schedule can help you go a long way.  She talks about her productivity routine and how simple things like working out and spending time with your family can help you better yourself.

If you are having a hard time maintaining your routine and your schedule is always messed up, listening to this talk might help you organize your life. 

Also, one of the most brilliant points of her talk is the importance of separating personal life from professional life.  She says nobody on his deathbed said, “I wish I had spent more time in office,” I believe there is no better way to explain the need to focus on your personal life and establish your career. 

Amna Baig – I am a woman, and I am here to protect you!

TedTalk x Pakistani Women

Are you one of those women who feel proud when they see empowered women? If yes, here is a dose of inspiration for you. 

Amna Baig tells shares her journey of how she went from being a home baker to a part of the Punjab police. She debunks a lot of myths about police that keep women from being a part of such fields. She shares her experience of surviving in a patriarchal society. 

One of my favorite lines from the talk is, 

“I can save, and I can save quite well.”

The way she talks and her friendly demeanor can make you feel you are already friends with her. Amna, indeed has a way of making people feel at home. You can check her full talk here!

Afreen Mushtaq – Fly I Must

TedTalk x Pakistani Women

It might seem like a random story when you hit the play button. However, soon you would know it is the story of almost every Pakistani girl. Afreen shares her journey from a mediocre school student to getting admission to one of the finest institutes in Pakistan.

She talks about the struggle of university life and how practical life can sometimes bury your dreams somewhere deep down in your heart. Afreen speaks about the power of dreams and what they can lead to if you hold them tight. 

One of the best lines from her talk is,

“Ap k maqsad ki rooh zinda rehni chahiye, zariya naya ban jaye ga”

She says your dreams won’t die until you murder them. So, as long as you haven’t forgotten your past and are hopeful about what the future holds, you can achieve anything. 

Her way of delivering the talk is just mesmerizing. The way she describes her journey makes us feel we are living it. If you have listened to the whole talk, you can feel the last line to a deep level. She ends her talk with the following optimistic note. 

“Wo tum sy kahien gay k tum nhi kar skty, par tum lagy rehna, tum kar skty ho, TUM KAR JAO GAY”

Faiza Saleem – The Struggle of Fat People

Being fat and being a Pakistani is such a deadly combination. We all know Pakistanis can be brutal when it comes to roasting others. 

Faiza Saleem, the famous comedian and actor, tells us about her experience with the toxic humor desis usually throw toward fat people. The best thing about this talk is it seems more like a standup comedy than a TedTalk (that makes perfect sense as Faiza is a comedian, after all). The sarcastic tone and puns she uses to call out people who fat shame others is probably the best way to create awareness among desis (after all, Pakistanis love a little bit of humor). 

From the free advice and sympathies that fat people receive to the similarity between “Beauty And The Beast” and the desi women, Faiza’s talk can get you rolling out with laughter on the floor. 

But the simple and thought-provoking note at which she ends her talk is definitely noteworthy. She says, “Fat people are people”. This 4-words statement says a lot about the struggles of fat people. 

Bottom Line

So, which one is your favorite TedTalk? Let us know in the comments. Also, what do you prefer, scientific and philosophical TedTalks or casual TedTalks with a pinch of humor?

Alishba is a 19-year-old literature student currently on the journey of figuring out life. She is just an unbroken optimist drifting through life using writing as a coping mechanism (and also as a source of livelihood). She is notorious among her friends for being too self-obsessed, a trait she proudly describes as self-love. She is a bad but enthusiastic painter and loves reading fantasy books.

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