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16 Haunted Places To Visit Around The World

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The haunted places have a strange, unsettling feeling attached to them, including old graveyards, derelict buildings, lush forests, and empty houses. The media stories of terrible accidents and ghost occurrences add to the dread of visiting the world’s most spooky locations.

If you’re brave enough, enter one of these spooky places and try not to scream when you hear things nudge in the night. Here are the top 16 places that are a tale of their own, and people have experienced all types of paranormal activities there.

Disclaimer: Weak-hearted persons should avoid reading the post. If they do, anything that happens is their own responsibility. 

1 – Bangarh Fort, India

Haunted Places - Bangarh Fort, India


Bhangarh Fort, made up of the wrecks of a fort town built in the 17th century, has three majestic storeys you can discover. It includes garrison walls, bazaars, picturesque architectural features, and various shrines. But don’t let the charm of these ruins deceive you; they are considered India’s most haunted fort.

The story suggests that a Tantrik cursed the castle before the princess gave orders to kill him. Till now, many people have admitted that they have experienced paranormal activities in the fort. For this very reason, the government does not allow any visitors at night.

2 – Monte Cristo Homestead, Australia

Haunted Places - Monte Cristo Homestead, Australia


Australia’s New South Wales state hosts the eerie Monte Cristo Homestead. The mansion is renowned as one of the most haunted locations in the world due to haunting tales involving Mrs. Crawley. 

The mentioned owner never left the residence for 23 years following her husband’s passing. 

Her bodyless phantom is said to have been tormenting her room ever since she passed away. People have reported seeing her bodyless shadowy figure in the window, as well as peculiar sounds, flashing lights, and a flying ghost in the hallway. 

The mansion has reportedly been the scene of accidents and killings in the old days.

3 – Highgate Cemetery, England

Highgate Cemetery, England


One of the most spooky locations on earth is the North London graveyard known as Highgate, founded in 1839. Numerous statistics of paranormal activity have been made about the place of burial of more than 1,70,000 people. However, it is the story of the 7-foot-tall Highgate Vampire, a ghost with mesmerizing red eyes and a long, black coat. 

According to legend, the vampire can also cause the time to stop and significant temperature drops. The discovery of a woman’s mutilated corpse with severe burns helped the vampire legend become very prevalent.

4 – Myrtles Plantation, USA

Myrtles Plantation, USA


The mansion of Myrtles Plantation, bounded by a 125-foot patio, is situated in the tiny community of St. Francisville, northwest of New Orleans. There have been many who disclosed ghost spottings, the most popular of which is Chloe, who had her ear severed by her partner, and it’s not surprising given that ten people were killed inside the villa itself. 

However, for now, Ghost tours are available from the location, and you can choose from day tours or the scarier and more famous evening tours.

5 – Edinburgh Castle, England

Edinburgh Castle, England


It is well known that the legendary historic castle is located on the grounds that date back to the Medieval Era. Aside from being a well-known tourist destination throughout the day, the castle is also home to an astral dog, a decapitated drummer, and a ghost piper. 

In 2001, numerous organizers and researchers confirmed seeing spirits during a 10-day scientific study of the palace. Since then, people have regarded Edinburgh Castle as one of the world’s most haunted locations.

6 – Brissac-Quincé, France, Château de Brissac

Brissac-Quincé, France, Château de Brissac


The disturbing murder of Queen Charlotte of France occurred at Château de Brissac, the tallest structure in the Loire Valley, and is likely its most well-known legacy. According to legend, Charlotte, King Charles VII’s illegitimate daughter, was murdered by her partner after he learned of her unfaithful behavior. The Green Lady, so named because of the color of her death gown, is said to bedevil the castle’s tower.

7 – Port Arthur, Australia

Port Arthur, Australia


Numerous freaky tours are available in and around Port Arthur to fulfill worldly paranormal investigators. The Tasmanian town is rife with findings of paranormal activity, which is understandable given its sinister history. 

In the nineteenth century, the location was used as a prison camp, where detainees were forced to undergo solitary confinement and required religious services to rectify bad behavior. After all that, we can only assume that many spirits struggle to find peace.

8 – Island Of Dolls, Mexico

Island Of Dolls, Mexico


The man-made Island of Dolls is among the most disturbed places on the planet. According to legend, a girl drowned in a Mexican estuary and died here. Julian Barrera was tormented by the girl’s soul when he shifted to this island. To appease her soul, he hung multiple dolls around the island. 

After some time, Julian revealed to his nephew that the girl desired him to play with her in eternal life. His body was eventually discovered in the waterway near the girl’s body. People claim that the dolls’ eyes follow them when they move around the island. They’ve even heard loud murmurs and laughing.

9 – Romanian Corvin Castle, Romania

Romanian Corvin Castle, Romania


Corvin Castle is mainly remembered as the residence of Vlad III, also identified as Vlad the Impaler, whose vile crimes of savage torture influenced Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula. 

The terrifying Renaissance Gothic-style palace is said to be inhabited by the ghosts of the people who lost their lives there. Several supernatural enthusiasts and documentary makers have explored the estate to determine whether the Dracula legend is true or not.

10 – Screaming Tunnel, Canada

Screaming Tunnel, Canada


Under the rail line that runs from Toronto to New York via Niagara Falls, there is a passageway in Ontario. The story claims that a young girl perished about 100 years ago when the country house she lived in near the tunnel’s southern entrance went up in flames. 

The girl, who was on fire, managed to run towards help but ended up dead inside the tunnel. Since then, anyone who lights a fire inside the passageway hears the girl’s wails, and the fire goes out.

11 – Madrid’s Palacio de Linares, Spain

Madrid's Palacio de Linares, Spain


This magnificent palace was constructed for Don José Murga and his wife, Raimunda Osorio, and was previously the residence of the Marquis and Marchioness of Linares. 

Entombed doors, vanishing stairways, and the shadow of Don José and Raimunda’s daughter are buried beneath its extravagant outer walls. It is said that occasionally when no tourists are present, you can hear a young girl singing in the castle.

12 – Aokigahara Forest, Japan

Aokigahara Forest, Japan


Many people believe the Aokigahara Forest, also known as the Sea of Trees, is the most spooky location in the world because it has seen the most suicides. The number of suicides per year is second only to those that occur on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. There are rumors that the forest is haunted by the ghosts of those who died by suicide here.

13 – Old Changi Hospital And Changi Beach, Singapore

Old Changi Hospital And Changi Beach, Singapore


The Changi Beach and the old hospital, which was built in 1935, are said to be possessed. The Japanese killed a large number of Chinese troops on the seaside. During World War II, the Japanese Kempeitai conquered the hospital and transformed it into a detention center. The ghosts of the Chinese soldiers are said to haunt the now-defunct hospital. There have also reportedly been limbless soldiers seen at night on the beach.

14 – Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital, South Korea

Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital, South Korea


It sounds like a typical ghost story when a mental health facility is haunted. According to the story of Gonjiam psychiatric hospital, people studying or teaching psychiatry began committing suicide for no apparent reason. Additionally, it is purported that a physician mistreated his psychic patients. The hospital has become a haunted structure, now closed with bars and warning signs.

15 – Ruthin Castle, Wales

Ruthin Castle, Wales


Under the red sandstone façade of this stunning medieval castle is a grotesque history that, according to legend, still haunts the property today. The ghost that prowls around the property the most is The Grey Lady. This unidentified woman is rumored to be Lady Grey, Reginald de Grey’s wife, who was executed for killing a peasant girl she thought was having an affair with her partner.

16 – Poveglia Island, Italy

Most haunted places in the world - Poveglia Island, Italy


Poveglia, one of the world’s most cursed locations, has a sad past that will send shivers down your spine. There was no remedy when the city was infected with the plague, and the folks were left to die. Several bodies were entombed in unmarked graves without being treated. Their ghosts haunt the island, and no one goes there. The beaches are still silent and dull.

Bottom Line

These places will surely give you nightmares for the next few days. The world is full of such historically haunted places, and the love of investigators interested in paranormal activities keeps them alive to this day.

Which of these places do you want to visit and know more about? Let us know in the comments. If you love traveling, click here to learn about more interesting places worldwide.

Another twenty years old sips tea, pretending to listen to the realities while she wanders through the castle and towns residing in her head. If Tooba is not writing, she loves to hike and explore the mysteries of nature.

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